Category Archives: Pursuits


The second in a double-header day of Geezercasting.  This is a really brief discussion of ICANN, where I’ve been volunteering a fair amount of my time over the past 7 years or so.  ICANN manages the domain-name and numbering systems that glue the Internet together and I helps wid dat.  My unborn grandchildren may get a charge out of all this.

Click HERE to listen to this 17 minute podcast.

GC066 — A “layered” tune, annotated

A friend of mine asked that I explain my latest parlor-trick approach to music making.  There are lots of different ways of making tunes on computers, but I’ve been fiddling around with a sortof “live layered jam” approach where I cycle through a loop, adding an instrumental part each time through.  Loads of fun to do.

So click HERE to listen to this 11 minute podcast of a little 12-bar tune being built up layer by layer.

GC064 — ICANN .XXX and Japan Tsunami

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This Geezercast is a reflection on my recent trip to the ICANN meetings (in San Francisco this time), the huge earthquake and tsunami in Japan that happened just as I was flying out there and the continuing hijinks of the Republican governor and legislature here in Wisconsin.

Click HERE to listen to this 13 minute podcast.

GC060 — 60th Birthday Geezercast

Hey!  It’s my 60th birthday today AND this is the 60th Geezercast.  How ’bout that?  This one is really short — just a 5 minute intro to a new tune that I built to learn about “slicing” — a musical technique that Robert Perry (son of Marcie’s cousin Joan Perry) taught me about when he came to visit a month or so ago.

Click HERE to listen to this 10 minute podcast.

GC055 — Cyberwar and reality TV

Huh.  Pretty short interval between Geezercasts here.  But Marcie and I had a couple pretty interesting conversations on the Morning Walk and I thought I’d share them.  One is about cyber-war and the other one is about how people are treated on reality TV shows.  You’ll have to listen to hear how that all goes together.

Click HERE to listen to this 13 minute podcast.

GC042 — sale and repercussions

Yep, big life-changing event., the family URL, got sold a few weeks back.  The negotiation took a toll on the Geezercasting time, but probably means more Geezercasts in the long run as I drift back toward the “retired” end of the spectrum.  I talk a little about some of the other repercussions too — selling our house and moving into a condo, and buying a 5th wheel.

Click here to download this 14 minute podcast 

GC039 — My ham radio call KZ0C, and thoughts about identity

Yep, got my vanity call-letters from the FCC yesterday. So now you know my call. And of course, I got the domain — All that rumpus leads me to thoughts about ongoing identity… Domains, email addresses, last-names (and what a goofy system we have for THAT), how WORT got its call, all get covered in this podcast.

Click here to download this 13 minute podcast