Category Archives: Politics

GC055 — Cyberwar and reality TV

Huh.  Pretty short interval between Geezercasts here.  But Marcie and I had a couple pretty interesting conversations on the Morning Walk and I thought I’d share them.  One is about cyber-war and the other one is about how people are treated on reality TV shows.  You’ll have to listen to hear how that all goes together.

Click HERE to listen to this 13 minute podcast.

GC049 — Chicago Tribune Endorsement of Barak Obama

The Chicago Tribune has NEVER endorsed a Democrat for President.  Until today, when they endorsed Barak Obama.  I was so entranced I decided to read the endorsement into the Geezercast record – so the unborn Grandchildren can hear it.  Here you have it — 11 minutes of me reading the Chicago paper to ya.

Click HERE to listen to this 12 minute podcast.

GC045 – Obama and biofuels

Couple things on my mind today. I’m pleased with how things are going with Barack Obama’s campaign and like the implications for you my unborn grandchildren. And Marcie just forwarded an interesting piece from the Times that supports my view that biofuels are dumb — at least the way we’re approaching them right now.

Click here to listen to this 11 minute podcast.